Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Three more sleeps...

Here we are mid-November already. Life in the Wood household is getting as close to normal as it will ever be. We are all finding our way in our new family unit. I'd be lying if I said it was an easy adjustment for all of us. Things are getting smoothed out but not without a few tough moments (or sometimes hours or days).

Our girls are managing well and they are in love with their baby sister. They both have their specialities when it comes to helping out and cheering her up. Recently she has started smiling and cooing and it is such a treat to watch her older sisters make her smile. It has been a huge adjustment for them in so many ways and we've had some hurdles to get over but I'm amazed at their love and support for this new little sweetheart. Our baby girl has been extremely good; she sleeps well and fusses very seldom. The first 6 weeks were very exhausting for me as anyone would expect. But I'm certainly not complaining. I've just felt the tiredness more this time around, I'm sure it has to do with having to go full steam ahead to make sure the rest of the family gets taken care of.

My husband is in full study mode. He writes his first exam of year two in 3 sleeps. We are all just as anxious as him to get it over with. This block has been on Neuro and I've heard more than I'll ever want to know about the brain in the last 12 weeks! He’s amazingly focussed and puts in such long hours of studying, we know he’ll do great. We’ve also been learning more about how things will work when he goes into Clerkship rounds next fall. So basically, next fall he will be working/learning in various hospitals around the province in 6-12 week blocks. Each block being a predetermined speciality/area for example: 12 weeks of surgery, 6 weeks of family medicine etc. This will continue on for 2 years until graduation. But for now we just need to get next 3 days over with :-)

The girls are enjoying their extra-curriculars both are in dance and basketball this year. We're only out 3 nights of the week and then again on Saturdays for games. So far so good.

That’s all for now folks, I’m going to go enjoy this snow day with my girls and we have an extra special guest with us for a couple of days…my mom J Today we have some Christmas baking in store!